
A colonoscopy is a screening test that allows the doctor to look for abnormalities inside your colon. A tiny video camera on a flexible tube called a colonscope is passed through the anus and follows the large intestine. The doctor is able to see any abnormalities and take tissue samples during the procedure using the same tool.

手术本身通常需要15到60分钟, although you should plan on two to three hours for waiting, 准备和恢复.



结肠镜检查 is used as a screening and prevention tool for colon cancer. 癌前期生长, 称为息肉, can be removed during a colonoscopy preventing them from becoming cancer.

With a referral from your doctor, you can schedule the procedure by calling Guthrie gastroenterology.


根据平价医疗法案, several preventive services such as colonoscopies are covered at no cost to the patient. Guidelines are now available about which colonoscopies are defined as a preventive service (screening). 

Guthrie has created this document to sort through some of the confusion. Here is what you need to know about colonoscopies that are considered preventative:


  • 预防性结肠镜检查
    Patient is asymptomatic (no gastrointestinal symptoms either past or present); is 50 years of age or over; has no personal or family history of gastrointestinal disease, 结肠息肉和/或癌症. The patient has not undergone a colonoscopy within the last 10 years.
  • 诊断/治疗结肠镜检查
    Patient has gastrointestinal symptoms such as change in bowel habits, 腹泻, 便秘, 直肠出血或胃肠道疾病.
  • 监测/高危筛查结肠镜检查
    Patient is asymptomatic (no gastrointestinal symptoms either past or present); has a personal history of gastrointestinal disease, 结肠息肉和/或癌症. 病人 in this category may undergo colonoscopy surveillance at shortened intervals (e.g. 每2-5年一次).

If a screening colonoscopy results in the biopsy or removal of a lesion or growth during the procedure, the procedure is then considered diagnostic and you may have to pay a coinsurance or copayment.   

We recommend that our patients contact their insurance carrier to verify colonoscopy coverage. Your insurance plan may not consider surveillance colonoscopies as a screening benefit. The correct coding of a procedure is driven by your medical history and the physician’s documentation. It is not appropriate to change coding to enhance insurance benefit coverage.


当你遵循筛查建议时, 你的医生能够及早发现癌症, 在最容易治疗的时候, 在你出现症状之前.

  • 平均风险: When you are 45 and older, it’s time for your first colonoscopy if you have no specific risk factors.
  • 更高的风险: 如果你有结肠癌或息肉的家族史, get screened at age 40 or 10 years before the age of the youngest case in your immediate family.

Talk to your primary doctor if you have concerns or any other personal medical history that might indicate getting a screening before age 45.


Before the procedure, you’ll need to clean out your colon so the doctor has a clear view. Some people find the prep to be the most unpleasant part of the procedure. Using medication, your body is prompted to clean out the contents of your colon. 在这个过程中,一定要靠近浴室.

Please note, there are several options for prepping the bowel for colonoscopy. Be sure to confirm which prep your provider prefers before your scheduled procedure. Your bowel must be empty so that your doctor can clearly view your colon.


如果你的医生认为某个部位需要进一步评估, he or she might pass an instrument through the colonoscope to obtain a biopsy (a sample of the colon lining) to be analyzed. 活组织检查用于识别许多疾病, and your doctor might order one even if he or she doesn't suspect cancer.

If a colonoscopy is being performed to identify sites of bleeding, your doctor might control the bleeding through the colonoscope by injecting medications or by coagulation (sealing off bleeding vessels with heat treatment).

你的医生也可能在结肠镜检查中发现息肉, and he or she will most likely remove them during the examination. 这些手术通常不会引起任何疼痛.


Your physician will explain the results of the examination to you, although you'll probably have to wait for the results of any biopsies performed.

必须有人开车送你回家,陪着你. 即使你在手术后感觉很清醒, your judgment and reflexes could be impaired for the rest of the day. You might have some cramping or bloating because of the air introduced into the colon during the examination. 当你放屁时,这应该会很快消失.

考试后你应该可以吃东西了, 但是你的医生可能会限制你的饮食和活动, 尤其是在息肉切除术后.


