
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common type of heart disease. It is caused by a narrowing of the major vessels that supply blood to the heart. Narrowing happens when plaque, cholesterol and other material, build up on the vessels’ inner walls. This is called atherosclerosis CAD can result in coronary heart disease also called ischemic heart disease. Over time, CAD can weaken the heart and lead to 心脏衰竭.

CAD may cause chest pain (angina), shortness of breath or other symptoms. A complete blockage can cause a heart attack. Coronary artery disease develops over decades and may have no symptoms.

If you are experiencing severe chest pain, 右侧麻木, 头晕, 恶心想吐, 拨打911寻求紧急帮助.

If you are concerned you might have a problem with your heart, talk to your primary care provider. To make an appointment with a cardiologist, call 866-GUTHRIE (866-488-4743).

Risk factors for 冠状动脉疾病 include:

  • 年龄
  • 家族病史
  • 吸烟
  • 高血压
  • 高胆固醇
  • 糖尿病
  • 超重或肥胖
  • 久坐不动的生活方式
  • 高应力
  • 不健康的饮食


With a combination of risk factors above or if you are experiencing symptoms, your primary care doctor may send you to a 心脏病专家测试. 测试可以包括:

  • 心电图(ECG)
  • 超声心动图
  • 压力测试
  • Cardiac catheterization and angiogram
  • 心脏扫描

How is coronary artery disease treated?

你 and your cardiologist work together to create your best treatment plan. 你r plan may include lifestyle changes such as eating a healthier diet, 戒烟, being more physically active and maintaining a healthy weight.

Treatment can also include medications to manage risk factors like high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Surgical procedures, such as angioplasty, can also help restore blood flow to the heart.


  • The largest cardiovascular team in the region caring for heart patients including non-invasive and interventional cardiologists; cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgeons; advanced practice providers; nurses; therapists; and diagnostic technicians, all trained in specialized care for your heart.
  • 14 locations throughout the Finger Lakes and southern tier of 纽约 and the northern tier of 宾西法尼亚. 我们的团队 approach to care means wherever you are seen, we work with all available specialists and primary care providers to create the best heart care plan for you.
  • Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital was named among the top 10% in the nation for coronary interventional procedures for 5 years in a row (2016-2020) by Healthgrades.
  • 被命名为 IBM Health’s Top 50 in Cardiovascular in the nation 11次, Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital is one of only 10 hospitals nationwide to receive this ranking more than 10 times.
  • 状态-of-the-art Heart and Vascular Care Center for cardiac catheterization, electrophysiology and structural heart treatments. 你, 病人, are at the center of all care – with private rooms and close proximity to the ICU and operating rooms. A spacious waiting area for your family allows them to be close by and receive real-time updates on your status.
  • Guthrie Pulmonary Hypertension Clinic specializes in treating pulmonary hypertension, or high blood pressure in the heart and lungs. 我们的团队 医生和 staff work with your primary care and specialty care providers to develop personalized and coordinated care just for you.

Guthrie heart surgeons are part of the largest cardiac care team in the northern Pa. 及北南.Y. 你r heart is in good hands at Guthrie.

Guthrie interventional cardiology has advanced training in cardiac catheterization, 执行消融, 支架, angioplasty other structural heart procedures 

Our electrophysiology doctors and arrhythmia center teams help treat patients with arrhythmia issues like aFib using pacemakers or procedures like ablation.  

Guthrie Cardiac and Vascular team treats patients with circulatory diseases: abdominal aortic aneurysm, 颈动脉疾病, 外周动脉疾病. 

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